Welcome to our website.
- ESOL Cafe is a friendly non-religious group that meets on Tuesday mornings in term time from 10am until 12 noon to practise speaking English through useful topics and conversation
- The spring term dates are Tuesday 14 January 2025 - Tuesday 1 April
- One session a week every Tuesday morning from 10-12 (no session during half term)
- All welcome - further details can be found on the Programme page.
ESOL Café is a sociable group where you can make friends and practise speaking English - you are very welcome to join us!
- Run by a group of volunteers, ESOL Cafe aims to build up confidence in speaking and understanding English
- Come and join us for 2 hours of speaking English in a friendly and sociable group session
- There is a topic each week with mainly speaking activities
- We are not a language school, but an informal group to help you improve your fluency in speaking
- Open to adults of all levels of English
- Plenty of opportunities for conversation with other learners from around the world, and with native speakers
- £5 per session per week - includes tea/coffee (free places available, depending on circumstances)
- ESOL Cafe